In the unfortunate event of a covered total loss, your client keeps their vehicle and still receive its full Guaranteed ValueTM.*

Your client’s vehicles are more than collectible, they’re irreplaceable.
Hagerty understands that collector vehicles are more than an investment — they are filled with years of love, work, memories and stories that can’t be replaced. Collectible insurance through Hagerty is the only coverage that offers Cherished Salvage**, meaning:
- Your clients can retain salvage of their vehicle in the event of a covered total loss
- No salvage value will be deducted from their final payment if they choose to retain their vehicle
- Your client still receives the vehicle’s Guaranteed Value™
- The cost is 15% of the vehicle’s physical damage premiums**
Just check out a few recent client stories:
“My ’76 Corvette was totaled after being smoke damaged, I didn’t want to start over with a new car. I put a lot of sweat and blood into this one. What’s more, I knew I could do the repairs myself — and because I had Cherished Salvage coverage, I was able to keep the car and get to work.”
“Early F150s loaded with all the options are rare, and I’d finally found one. When it was hit, I knew it was too invaluable to give up. Cherished Salvage allowed me to keep the truck, which I lovingly donated to a friend to rebuild.”
*In the event of a covered total loss, Guaranteed Value coverage ensures your client receives every cent of their car’s insured value, less any deductibles and/or salvage value if retained (BC, MB & SK: and after settlement with government policy). AB & QC: Agreed value applies under the Guaranteed Value Plus Endorsement.
**Submit claim under any government policy first and then our policy immediately after. Premium subject to change; may include DCPD/BVDC, if applicable.
Policies are underwritten by Elite Insurance Company. Some coverage not available in all provinces. This is a general description of coverage. All coverage subject to policy provisions, exclusions, and endorsements. Hagerty determines final risk acceptance. Cherished Salvage, Guaranteed Value & Hagerty are registered trademarks of the Hagerty Group LLC, 2025 The Hagerty Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Hagerty Group, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hagerty, Inc.