Additional coverages
Evacuation Expense coverage
If your client needs to move their vehicle during a natural disaster, this coverage reimburses half of their expenses.

Coverage details
We’ll pay 50% of any reasonable expense incurred to move a covered vehicle from an area experiencing emergency conditions to a secure location for storage, for up to 180 days. Coverage up to $250 per vehicle per occurrence applies, with an annual cap of $1000 per vehicle.
Emergency conditions include:
- A named storm watch, warning or advisory by a government agency like Environment Canada
- A government-ordered evacuation of the area where your customer's vehicle is located
Additional cost is only $5 per covered vehicle.
Get coverage that works for your customer
Ease your customer's mind during emergencies. Let's talk about Evacuation Expense coverage.
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Hagerty Canada, LLC policies are underwritten by Elite Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Aviva Canada Inc. Hagerty determines final risk acceptance.
Rates subject to change.
Hagerty is a registered trademark of the Hagerty Group LLC, ©2025 The Hagerty Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.